AI in HR by genesis digital solutions

The AI Boom in HR: What Does it Mean for Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its use in HR departments across the world has grown during the past year, this tech boom is changing how companies hire, manage and engage with employees. At Genesis Digital Solutions the demand for our product GenesisAI keeps rising, specifically to manage HR processes, as a result of this trend. But why is that, why

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challenges of working remote, genesis

Challenges of Working Remote

Remote work may sound like the ideal option for a lot of people, but in truth, it might not be as perfect as one can imagine. There are some challenges, both individually and as a team, that must be addressed and mitigated for a company to work efficiently, and for

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working remote at genesis

Portugal: The Best Country To Work Remotely

Portugal nominated the best country to work remotely Portugal has proven time and time again to always be on the top five of any index, regarding the best country to work remotely at. But now it seems Portugal has been ranked number one on many different ranking systems. Lucky for us, here

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